15 inspiring illustration websites

Below is 15 inspiring illustration websites that all visual artists should take a look at.
(in no particular order)

1. illustrationmundo.com
An illustration community/database website started by the iconic illustrator Nate Williams. Any artist should take a look through the hundreds of illustrators, read the articles and participate on the forums. It’s a huge resource.
2. drawn.ca
A blog for illustration, animation, cartooning and comic art. A constantly changing source of inspiration.
3. illustrationfriday.com
A weekly illustration challenge. The site has a new word to illustrate every week.
4. thelittlechimpsociety.com
“The illustration news portal” Check out all that is on their blog. You can also check out a few other illustration blogs from their RSS feeds.
5. gigposters.com
The website for concert posters, concert posters and more concert posters.
6. behance.net
“The creative professional platform”. You can look through countless portfolios here or join and post your own.
7. dribbble.com
A community website of designers and illustrators… a new “shots” goes up nearly every minute of everyday.
8. vector.tutsplus.com
A website full of illustrator tips, tutorials and videos. A great place to learn something new about vector art.
9. escapefromillustrationisland.com
Check out the podcast interviews with some of the big names in illustration & more.
10. juxtapoz.com
A magazine website of non-traditional artists. They have illustration, graffiti, tattoo and street art. They have lots and lots of low-brow art.
11. drawger.com
An illustrator community portfolio site that’s open for anyone to look at, but to put your own portfolio up you need an invite.
12. illustrophile.com
Illustrophile is an illustration blog for everyone that has an interest in illustration and commercial art. It was started by Canadian illustrator Charlene Chua in 2007.
13. americanposterinstitute.com
The American Poster Institute is a non-profit corporation dedicated to furthering public awareness and appreciation of the poster art form.
14. hifructose.com
A magazine website of contemporary art started by Attaboy and Annie Owens in 2005.
15. koikoikoi.com
Koi means desire. Koi means follow your dreams. Koi is perserverance. Koi is determination. Koi is fear for regrets. Behind any idea, any work, any creative, there are at least three “Koi”.

If you have any websites that you feel are great illustration sites please email at mnickells2@yahoo.com. I would definitely like to take a look at them.

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